I recently read an article by TBWA featured in dexinger.com stating that we should see where we are, due to this global pandemic as year zero. What we knew before is gone, the rat race is dead and we now have the chance to start afresh. I love this idea; it gives rise to an expansion of opportunities for us all.
What would be that one thing you would do differently now with this rebirth, this chance to start afresh?
With the past being irrelevant now and this new phase upon on, I have the opportunity to be a better me. I have the chance to serve humanity, my community, and my family better. I leave the old me behind in 2020 and walk into this year zero pursuing the meeting of my true, authentic self and to shine that light onto the world, so the world too can shine brighter.
We all in some way or another are seeking our purpose for being here. Now is a great time to set out to redefine your purpose and start afresh.
Here are a few redefining strategies that have helped me gain clarity. They could assist you in planting the seeds you need to find your purpose and to start afresh:
1. Connecting with like-minded people
We are social beings. We are still wired with the physiology that served the ancient cavemen. They were tribal beings that thrived on being part of the tribe.
This is still true for us, our most rested state within our nervous system is social engagement. When we are not in the fight/flight or freeze responses, brought on by stress, we seek social engagement.
So, it is no wonder that when we meet a new person who shares similar ideas, thoughts, and feelings, we tend to light up from within. These connections can spark insights to finding that purpose we are looking for.
2. Asking contemplative questions
In a recent course I did with Reverend Michael Beckwith, he said to find your life’s vision is to ask empowering questions.
This can be done when meditating or just asking, letting go and you will start receiving insights or feedback. This could be in the form of lyrics of a song, an email you receive, a billboard message, these are just a few examples, but they all lead you in the direction you are seeking.
3. Having open and honest discussions with the people you most trust and respect
I have found by having a robust debate with trusted friends and family, extremely valuable as the insights from them and myself has led to productive strides in the areas I feel stuck. Don’t underestimate the value of deep, open and honest conversations. There can be real gems in them for all the participants.
I have gained clarity which has given me the confidence to keep pursuing my dreams.
4. Asking for help
Since we are in this new phase, we do not have to follow our previous rules and conditioning around being shameful to ask for help. This concept is as dead as the rat race if you choose it to be.
It is humanness to ask for help, it is not a sign of weakness or being burdensome. It shows more emotional maturity and courage.
Whenever you are struggling reach out and ask for help you just never know what jewels may come from this act of honesty and authenticity. We should not underestimate the power of our own beautiful vulnerability. You can read more about vulnerability in my previous blog article.
If you are willing to ask for help, then be sure to reach out to my friend, Nolan from StraightTalkWithNolan who is an amazing transformational coach.
5. Journaling
This is a source of letting your thoughts out and a source of inspirational ideas. I tend to always start with how I am feeling and just allow my hand to flow as my heart connects with the paper. It can be a great way to let stuck energy flow out and allow this ‘newness’ to flow in.
I learned from having done a Deepak Chopra, abundance meditation challenge last year, to write a letter to someone who has angered or hurt you and then to burn the letter. This was therapeutic and helped me move away from the things holding me back.
6. Being quiet
Our ‘dead past’ was all about the hustle and the bustle, maybe this new era is for us to be quieter, introspect and become more in touch with our true selves. There can be so much of insights that come during this state of ‘doing nothing’. A friend said to me sometime last year, we are called human beings and not human doings. This is what being quiet, and introspecting is about, just being and by just being magic can occur.
Try at least one of these techniques and then ask yourself what would be that one thing you would do differently with this fresh start we have been given?
I wish you a graceful and magical journey as you start fresh in our ‘new year zero’, filled with expanding opportunities for you, for me and for everyone.
Much love 💖