Feeling stuck? Here are 4 tips for overcoming procrastination.

Feeling stuck can be out of our control and also within our control.

I am sure at some point in your life you have experienced feeling stuck or stagnant. Over the past year or so, I have been feeling this every now and again. Through my personal development work, I have realized this is all part of my growth journey. However, it can still be an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

I see many of my peers and friends constantly pushing ahead toward meeting their goals. Even though I have set the goals that I would like to achieve, I at times don’t seem to have the same energy and enthusiasm as my peers.

Can you relate to this?

Subconscious programming

Here is what I have come to understand:

  • We all have conditioned/programmed beliefs, that are created when we are still young toddlers.
  • What we were told repeatedly as youngsters becomes our beliefs, which directly affects our habits and behaviors.
  • These conditioned beliefs, habits, and behaviors can easily hold us back form meeting our goals, without us even being aware of it.

Everything we learn throughout our lives and what we accept into our subconscious minds creates the results we see in our lives.

This subconscious programming creates limiting beliefs that will make us unconsciously procrastinate. Preventing us from taking actions towards our goals. Making us feel stuck or stagnant and might also make us feel hopeless.

It does not have to continue like this, we can change our own programmed beliefs 😊

4 tips to overcome the feeling of being stuck

Tip 1 – Discover what your limiting beliefs are

These beliefs are programmed within our subconscious minds and at times we are completely unaware they exist and how they affect our daily lives.

We can look at our daily habits and behaviors to find patterns that might reveal our limiting beliefs.

To make it easy, you can complete the ‘Freedom Blocker’ quiz, which will help you understand what is holding you back.

Tip 2 – Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is more than just politeness, like saying ‘thank you’ to the barista for your coffee.

Gratitude is about feeling and becoming emotionally involved in all the things you are grateful for in yourself and in your life.

When you start practicing and feeling gratitude deep within your heart, you won’t have time or energy to be concentrating on the things that are stressing you out. Our mind can only hold one thought at a time. So, when it is focusing on the things that you are grateful for it keeps our energy vibrating at a higher frequency.

You will find, you don’t feel the resistance and fears that created your procrastination. You will be able to become more productive and optimized in your activities.

You can start today. Think or write down at least 5 things within yourself and in your life that you are grateful for. As you think about them or write them down, feel the gratitude and amplify the good emotions you feel. Gratitude is a skill that can be learned, and my good friend Nolan at StraightTalkWithNolan is one of the best Transformational Coaches I know who practices what he teaches. He uses gratitude on a daily basis, and it saved his life. Go ahead and book your coaching sessions with him today.

Tip 3 – Create your ideal day

Think about a time in the future, where you are not held back by your limiting beliefs. You have access to abundance in all areas of your life.

From this feeling, write down your ideal day.

  • Where are you?
  • Who are you with?
  • What do you see around you?
  • What do you smell?
  • What are the sounds you hear as you wake up?
  • Where and what are you eating?

Above are questions that can help you envision and describe this ideal day of yours. Describe your ideal day using all of your senses, so it becomes as real to you and to your mind. Start from the moment you wake up until you go to bed that night. Fill it with all the people you love and all the activities you would love to do.

Feel the freedom this ideal day creates for you.

Read it often and keep adding details to it.

Keep seeing this day in your mind, fill it with as much vibrant color, sounds, smells, and feelings.

This will create a feeling of enthusiasm for all the goals you have to meet now that will lead to this ideal day.

Use it as a motivation to get yourself out of your stagnant feelings.

Tip 4 – Become the person living this ideal day

Embody the version of yourself living your ideal life, right now!” – Namita Buerkle

Write down all the characteristics of the version of yourself living your ideal life. Start embodying those characteristics now. Become that person now.

When you feel the resistance from within toward you being this person, keep affirming to yourself that you are that person. In time, without you even knowing it, you will find you have already become that person you envisioned.

We can control and overcome our procrastination.

Start living the meaningful live you always dreamed about.

Much love 💖

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